Marilyn Bushman-Carlton was born and raised in Lehi, Utah, where she met her husband, Blaine. They are the parents of five grown children, three children-in-law, and the grandparents of one. Well into adulthood, she received a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Utah. During college she took a poetry workshop and wrote her first poem. Marilyn’s poetry has been published in many journals including the Comstock Review, Iris, Earth’s Daughters, Dialogue, BYU Studies, Sunstone, and Ellipsis. She has two collections of poetry: on keeping things small (1995) and Cheat Grass (1999). A third collection is nearing completion. She was the Utah Poetry Society’s Poet of the Year in 1999. She is the recipient of both a prize and a grant from the Utah Arts Council, and she teaches poetry to students of all ages through the arts council’s Artist-in-Residence program. She has lived in Salt Lake City for more than three decades.