Anthon H. Lund, Joseph F. Smith, and John Henry Smith [First Presidency] in front of Salt Lake Temple
Shirl Clawson: Director
Chet Clawson: Director
Bathing in Great Salt Lake
Shirl Clawson: Director
Chet Clawson: Director
Bishop Orrin P. Miller on east side of temple (close up)
Shirl Clawson: Director
Chet Clawson: Director
Bishop [Orrin P.] Miller on south side of temple (close up)
Shirl Clawson: Director
Chet Clawson: Director
By Way of Miracle
Josephine Spencer: Author
- Fiction
- December 1910
The Call of Authority
Harrison R. Merrill: Author
- Fiction
- April 1910-June 1910
Lydia D. Alder: Author
- Poetry
- November 1910
Charles W. Penrose, Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund and 12, walk east on south side of temple
Shirl Clawson: Director
Chet Clawson: Director
Christmas Hymn
- Poetry
- December 1910
Come, Gather to Zion
- Poetry
- August 1910
The Comet's Coming
- Poetry
- March 1910
The Cry of Dolores
- Poetry
- October 1910
Dan Hudson's Sacrifice
- Fiction
- January 1910
The Dream of Wealth
Theodore E. Curtis: Author
- Poetry
- January 1910
E. Wesley, George C., Joseph Fielding, President Joseph F. and David A. Smtih, foliage background
Chet Clawson: Director
Shirl Clawson: Director
E. Wesley Smith in front of temple (1/4 length)
Chet Clawson: Director
Shirl Clawson: Director
First Presidency [Anthon H. Lund, Joseph F. Smith and John Henry Smith], Twelve, etc., in front of temple
Chet Clawson: Director
Shirl Clawson: Director
First Presidency [Charles W. Penrose, Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund] and Twelve come down east steps of temple, walk southward
Chet Clawson: Director
Shirl Clawson: Director
First Presidency [Charles W. Penrose, Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund] and Twelve on east steps of Temple
Chet Clawson: Director
Shirl Clawson: Director
The Freedom of Obedience and Service
George Henry Brimhall: Author
- Poetry
- September 1910
Gospel Messengers
Louis W. Larsen: Author
- Poetry
- October 1910
Hardship—Through an Optimistic Eye
Theodore E. Curtis: Author
- Poetry
- February 1910
Here Upon Thy Holy Mountain
Theodore E. Curtis: Author
- Poetry
- March 1910
The Heritage of the Desert
Zane Grey: Author
- Novel
- 1910
The Higher View
Orson F. Whitney: Author
- Poetry
- January 1910
Mary A. Farnsworth: Author
- Poetry
- June 1910
Hyrum M. Smith (close up) in front of temple
Chet Clawson: Director
Shirl Clawson: Director
In Memory of Samuel W. Richards
Ruth May Fox: Author
- Poetry
- August 1910